
Just take a seat (c) Marcel R. Aubron-Bülles

75 reasons: Guglielmo Spirito

n the entrance hallway of that sumptuous home there was an enormous mirror, very old; acquired at least eighty years ago.   A strikingly beautiful boy, a tailor’s assistant, (on Sunday afternoon, an...

The Edge of the Wild (c) Lithuanian Tolkien Society

The Lithuanian Tolkien Society

Tolkien fandom in Lithuania and Tolkien Lietuva he works of J.R.R.Tolkien first came to Lithuania in 1985, the year when The Hobbit was published in Lithuanian. To be sure, ‘samizdat’ translations such as...

Exam Schools, Oxford

75 reasons: Colin Duriez

75 shades of Hobbit hitherto unknown species was introduced into the world in 1937, in J.R.R. Tolkien’s opening sentence of 10 words, “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” A...

75 reasons: Tom Shippey

BILBO’S HEROIC PROGRESS hen I used to teach a course on Tolkien, one of the essay questions which my students answered consistently well was the one which asked them how, in The Hobbit,...

The Old Sheldonian (c) Marcel R. Aubron-Bülles

75 reasons: Chris Seeman

nlike the soon-to-be-released Peter Jackson films, Tolkien’s Hobbit is NOT a “prequel” to The Lord of the Rings. By this I mean that Tolkien did not write it to be an introduction to...

Libraries are all you need (c) Marcel R. Aubron-Bülles

The Tolkienist’s Library

fter much deliberation I have started using LibraryThing to finally list up my own collection on primary and secondary materials on J.R.R. Tolkien, both his life and works. I will keep adding material...

About the Inklings in the Eagle & Child (c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles

75 reasons: David Bratman

early a dozen years ago, a few months before Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring hit the big screen, a wise comment about it was made … in a web comic. Scott Kurtz’s...

Tolkien Reading Day

75 reasons: Verlyn Flieger

would like people to read The Hobbit before viewing the forthcoming film presentations by Peter Jackson for several reasons.  If they have already read The Hobbit I would like them read it again...