Category: Rants

Steady backend detailing the BBBs so far

Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments

Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments is an on-going series of top tier whining by me, myself, and I why the internet is a shit place to find relevant information, how curating a Tolkienian newsletter is...

A window into a fantastical world

Why did you call this blog “The Tolkienist”?

here are a number of obvious reasons for this. First of all, any website would do well in chosing a decent name. I could have called it but that wouldn’t be easy...

Pope Francis (c)

Now even the Pope is a Tolkien fan?

s you may have noticed from some of my posts I am a bit of a Tolkien fan. I’ve taken an interest in his life and works and modern fantasy literature in general...

A bridge in Oxfordshire. (c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles

75 reasons: Paul Vigor

Walking Through Wilderland: An English archaeological landscape investigation hy read JRR Tolkien’s book The Hobbit, before watching Peter Jackson’s film? Well, speaking as an English historian and post-medieval archaeological landscape investigator, I consider...