Tolkien Day impressions from Germany
ust some quick shots from the Tolkien Day at Pont (city of Geldern) in Germany. I think we may have set up a new world record on Tolkien-centred events with well over 2,000...
ust some quick shots from the Tolkien Day at Pont (city of Geldern) in Germany. I think we may have set up a new world record on Tolkien-centred events with well over 2,000...
will be posting more pictures and videos from Tolkien Day 2014 in Pont (City of Geldern) at the Lower Rhine as the opportunity arises. Just so you have an idea how things look...
ver since its inception in 1997 the German Tolkien Society has worked tirelessly to bring Tolkien fans from all over the world amazing events, publications and a spirit of fellowship so wunderfully exemplified...
he Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto in Portugal, CETAPS, the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies and ILCML , the Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa are organising a Tolkien...
obbitCon, Ring*Con’s special, is upon us! Easter will see Richard Taylor, dwarves and tons of lecturers, artists and fans converge upon Bonn and it’s Maritim Hotel for some quality fantasy time. Did I...
he Tolkienist will be travelling the Netherlands to visit some amazing places full of books and Tolkien – this Saturday! I will be having a look at the most beautiful bookshop in the...
.R.R. Tolkien drew inspiration from many sources and one of them certainly is the country he lived in – England. And as modern tourism has discovered in recent years that it is quite...
uch has been made of a civilization lost in the mists of time – the Vikings. When they first made their appearance in 793 AD, plundering Lindisfarne Priory where the beautiful Lindisfarne Gospels...
Let’s get ready to read Tolkien olkien Reading Day is an annual event, launched by The Tolkien Society in 2003, that takes place on March 25. It has the aim of encouraging the...
any years ago I had the great pleasure of witnessing a performance which transported me as closely as possible to Anglo-Saxon times as I could ever have imagined: Benjamin Bagby sang, spoke, recited...
Update: Unfortunately, Manu Bennett (Azog) has had to cancel his visit due to work commitments. Please check the website for more information. HobbitCon, a Ring*Con special, took place for the first time in...
Nine days in Middle-earth (or NE Lithuania) am very happy to present you with a report on an unique event which happened last year in Lithuania and particularly so because one of the...