An AMA Humble Bundle give-away on Twitter – thank you for 5k+ followers

Twitter screenshot of my account, Oct 7, 2022 (c) MAB
Twitter screenshot of my account, Oct 7, 2022 (c) MAB

Quite some time ago I crossed the amazing 5,000 followers line on Twitter and I have been wondering what to do as a small thank you for all you lovelies out there – et voilà, Humble Bundle is there to help me out! I am giving away an All About Tolkien Humble Bundle to one person and these are the rules and regulations – please, pleeeeeease do read them carefully so it’s tons of fun for all of us and particularly fun for the winner 😄

UPDATE: This give-away is over.

Rules & Regulations on this AMA Humble Bundle give-away (AHBG) by the Tolkienist on Twitter

  1. Twitter Please note this give-away is in no way, shape or form connected to, supported by, and or helped by Twitter. Please also note that by interacting with this AHBG on Twitter you promise to abide by Twitter‘s R&R, that is, no spamming, creation of fake accounts, massive retweeting etc. – thank you for this.
  2. What’s the duration of this AHBG? The AHBG starts with the publication of the tweet announcing it (see below) and ends on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022, at 11.59pm, Jena, Thuringia, Germany time. Please have a look for yourself what time that would be in your time zone.
  3. How does this AHBG work? It is reeeeaaaaalllyyyy simple: in ONE DIRECT ANSWER to the tweet starting off the AHBG (see below) mention me in your tweet with @The_Tolkienist (so I can find you easily find via ‘mentions’) and Ask Me Anything on Tolkien, me, the world, whatever. You are also invited to say nice things, share fun anecdotes, effectively anything that may put a smile on people’s faces – mine would be nice, too! 😅 – or go on a treasure hunt for great ideas, links, information etc. on Tolkien’s life and works and all those wonderful people who try their hardest to make this a welcoming fandom, provide great scholarship, and so on. P.S. In case toooooo many people ask questions etc. I may not be able to answer all of them but I will be trying my hardest to get to all of you, if only to thank you for participating!
  4. How will the winner be determined? After this AHBG has ended I will be looking at all the tweets correctly following the above instructions – yes, I will check! – and then have a random number generator tell me the winning number. Please note that only ONE ENTRY by you, that is, per person, will be counted so don’t spammmmmz me with hundreds of questions, answers, mkay? If I notice anything suspicious thou shalt be disqualified from entering this give-way. I will determine the winner by Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022, 11.59 a.m. at the latest, depending on the number of entries it may be earlier, of course. The winner will have to download the Humble Bundle by Oct 14th, 2022, and all of the downloads are available as epubs, no other options are included.
  5. Is there anything else? No. You don’t need to buy anything, none of your data is needed to enter this give-away except for saying something nice or ask an interesting, hilarious, and/or silly question – be kind and gentle, we can use more of that 🥰 – and this is not a paid ad for Humble Bundle as a provider of this particular give-away. Please note that, yes, I do have a Patreon page where people can support me in my ventures as the Tolkienist but you are absolutely free to join regardless of this particular AHBG, and, of course, Patreon is not involved in any shape or form in this!
"All About Tolkien" (c) Humble Bundle et al.

“All About Tolkien” (c) Humble Bundle et al.

For a full list of all titles you can visit my friends over at the TolkienGuide.



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Marcel R. Bülles

Marcel R. Bülles is the author of, a specialist blog centering on worldwide Tolkien fandom, geekdom and research. He works as a freelance translator, journalist and writer and is the founder of the German Tolkien Society as well as a co-founder to RingCon, Europe's formerly biggest fantasy film convention. You can find him in cafés all over the world sipping an espresso blogging, writing, reading. At one point he was married to an extremely lovely French lady by the nickname of Sauron. Yes, that Sauron. He is also active with the International Tolkien Fellowship on Facebook and the Tolkien Folk on Instagram.