International Tolkien Seminar this weekend in Aachen, Germany

It is a jubilee for the German Tolkien Society this year – for the tenth time the GTS has invited speakers from all over Europe to talk about this year’s topic, Adapations of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In cooperation with Walking Tree Publishers and the English & Romance Studies Department of RWTH Aachen you will have the opportunity to listen in on enlightening talks and panels in both German and English.
If you are someone who really love his or her Tolkien and doesn’t mind hopping over at short notice this is the place to be this weekend. I am not aware as of now of any online presentation of the event but do have a look at the German Tolkien Society’s twitter handle and its Facebook page.
Full information and program schedule available in English here.
Nota bene: I was supposed to give a talk on Tolkien and World of Warcraft but I had to attend to urgent family matters. I do hope I can present this at a later date.