The Tolkienist’s Library

After much deliberation I have started using LibraryThing to finally list up my own collection on primary and secondary materials on J.R.R. Tolkien, both his life and works. I will keep adding material to it so you can get an idea what a Tolkien afficionado (Tolkiendil, Tolkien fan, there are many choices, indeed!) keeps at home. A small widget on the bottom right of this website will offer you a quick look as well as access to the full list at LibryaryThing – just click the header: The Tolkienist Library.
I may use this list later on to not only find out what a true Tolkienist might have in his or her collection (judging by the reviews of the books and, of course, peer-to-peer review, if available) but maybe also to get others to imitate this – and be able to swap books, when needed 🙂 or get more information on them quickly. Social media and sites like LibraryThing do help people from all over the world to get together, in this case to talk and gather about literature!
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at marcel(at)thetolkienist(dot).com