Posts published with Steady for the months of May – August, 2024

All of the material published with will always be free for you to peruse as well as some of my work with my crowdfunding site over at Having said that, I will not cross-post the work I am doing here to the other place or the other way around. This will only happen if the occasion arises. However, I would love to let the readers here at my blog know that there is even more to read and experience with Steady.
A chronology of posts
May 5. The One-hundredth Roving Ranger
May 7. Welcome to May
At the beginning of the month all of my members with Steady get a full write-up on what I have done the month before, how on-going projects are progressing, what new ideas I have come up with and a full list of all published material with Steady, sorted into categories.
May 16. Do you need a Middle-earth inspired shelf company?
One of the weirdest usages of Tolkien names in the world of business.
May 17. The One-hundred and first Roving Ranger
May 31. The One-hundred and second Roving Ranger
June 5. Fingolfin’s Findings LVI: Celebrating the OED1’s completion in 1928
Tolkien took part in this as he used to work on the then NED (New English Dictionary).
June 14. The One-hundred and third Roving Ranger
June 17. Welcome to June
June 20. Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments 6
Running a blog continously for over twelve years now and a crowdsupporting account with Steady sees many woes with software backends – I am telling the tale of it, bringing new information to light.
June 23. RR+: The Fellowship of the Knits
If you are knitting you will like to read this.
June 23. Spec. Ed.: “How my love 4 Tolkien helped me see a friend after 18 yrs”
A public post, talking about how I met my friend Trevor again I had met in the United States in 2006.
June 28. The One-hundred and fourth Roving Ranger
June 29. Fingolfin’s Findings LVII: Denethor’s Tomato
Yup. THAT tomato.
July 11. Fingolfin’s Findings LVIII: Jane Neave at St. Andrews, 1909-1911
One of the most important people in Tolkien’s life.
July 11. Welcome to July
July 13. The One-hundred and fifth Roving Ranger
July 15. Fingolfin’s Findings LIX: The Peace Ring, Twizel, New Zealand
Good business sense or just a really huge and odd ring?
July 18. Tolkien’s Oxford: What has happened to the Mitre?
Keeping you up to date on the places and spaces of Tolkienian importance.
July 30. The One-hundred and sixth Roving Ranger
August 2. Fingolfin’s Findings LX: King Edward’s School, Birmingham – Archives
Background information on the place where Tolkien was educated.
August 11. The One-hundred and seventh Roving Ranger
August 13. Welcome to August
August 19. The “Tolkien Documentary” coming up – and a little scare
News on this and a threat to my health.
August 23. Fingolfin’s Findings LXI: Tolkien & Edward Johnston
It’s all about calligraphy.
August 25. Roving Ranger. A Special edition: The Best of June-December 2022
More than 18 months after the fact was I able to publish this special edition, having gone through more than 2,000 emails, detailing about 20,000+ news items.
August 25. Curumo’s Current Affairs #001
How Tolkien’s life and works are abused politically these days.
August 25. The One-hundred and eighth Roving Ranger
A decent average but I can do better
27 posts all in all, so an average of about six a month with Steady.
See this post for the month of January, 2024, and this one for the months of February-April, 2024.