Tolkien Day in Germany at 5.30 a.m. (pictures before the storm)

Beautiful house at Pont, Lower Rhine

I will be posting more pictures and videos from Tolkien Day 2014 in Pont (City of Geldern) at the Lower Rhine as the opportunity arises. Just so you have an idea how things look like at an early morning, the cock crowing, ducks quacking and the smell of the local bakery opening soon with fresh bread, pastries and cakes. And no, I don’t usually get up that early in the morning, particularly not with events.

Tolkien Tag in Geldern – early-bird version

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Marcel R. Bülles

Marcel R. Bülles is the author of, a specialist blog centering on worldwide Tolkien fandom, geekdom and research. He works as a freelance translator, journalist and writer and is the founder of the German Tolkien Society as well as a co-founder to RingCon, Europe's formerly biggest fantasy film convention. You can find him in cafés all over the world sipping an espresso blogging, writing, reading. At one point he was married to an extremely lovely French lady by the nickname of Sauron. Yes, that Sauron. He is also active with the International Tolkien Fellowship on Facebook and the Tolkien Folk on Instagram.

5 Responses

  1. Harm Schelhaas says:

    So a cabin with wooden fish, fishing nets and a rudder wheel is Rohan?

    And that the Germans have picked up the habit (over the last twenty years or so) of calling Kaninchen ‘Hasen’ doesn’t mean that the English speaking world has too 😉

    • Thank you kindly for the corrections. 🙂

      All mistakes are mine, of course, but I wasn’t aiming at lore-friendly captions. “Rohan has come” wouldn’t really work on a building, would it? Lake Town comes to mind. 😉

      And yes, rabbits and hares – one is more of a pet and small, the other bigger and lives in the woods and fields. Could never tell them apart.

      If you want me to change any subtitles please let me know your suggestions and I’d be happy to oblige! 🙂

      • Harm Schelhaas says:

        Yes, ‘Lake Town’ would be correct for the Ennorandirrim’s tent masquerading as a fisherman’s cabin, in which I was no doubt snoring away when you took that picture.

        Considering that the animals are so similar, I’m really surprised that the names ‘hare’ and ‘rabbit’ are not commonly confused in English, or in Dutch (or in French, as far as know). The only eternal confusion among Westerners is whether the animal in the Chinese Zodiac is a rabbit or a hare. Translators seem to be unable to agree.

        The confusion that has arisen in German (over the last few decades, as far as my somewhat amateurish observations go) I put down to the fact that ‘Kaninchen’ is a considerably more complicated word than ‘Hase’ – also more complicated than English ‘rabbit’, Dutch ‘konijn’ or French ‘lapin’, so that it is rather easier to call an animal a ‘Hase’.

        In fact both rabbits and hares live in the wild, hares exclusively in open fields, rabbits also in wooded areas. The hare is somewhat larger than the wild rabbit, has longer, pointed ears than the rabbit’s round-tipped ones and a drooping tail instead of a small upright dot of fluff. Any domesticated animal is a rabbit, hares don’t domesticate well, if at all. In America, the wild rabbit, ‘cottontail’, is a different species from both rabbit and hare, domestic animals are descendants of old world rabbits.

        So the animal in the parish house menagerie can in English only be a rabbit.

        • I have amended the picture subtitle.

          And to be honest – I do know the difference between “Kaninchen” and “Hase” if I make an effort. However, I am a city kid with almost no connection to nature as such and my interest in the animals of the fields and woods is non-existent, except when some knowledgeable and passionate people tell me about them. 🙂

          However, thank you for your observations. If you have a “Kaninchen” as a pet you will easily know the difference and quite a few people have them … I wouldn’t believe that there is something intrinsincally easier with “Hase”; it is just that to most people “Hasen” do not exist anymore except with the famous boardgame “Hase und Igel.” 😀

          • Harm Schelhaas says:

            Well, I’ve noticed even the German Television news habitually refers to pet ‘Kaninchen’ as ‘Hasen’.