Why not visit Middle-earth this weekend – with 2,000 friends?

Ever since its inception in 1997 the German Tolkien Society has worked tirelessly to bring Tolkien fans from all over the world amazing events, publications and a spirit of fellowship so wunderfully exemplified in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. One of those events is the Tolkien Day, a merry gathering with an eclectic mix of first-class Middle-earth experts, workshop instructors, cosplayers, musicians and more where it snows food and rains drink, as some hobbits like to say. And another one is happening this very weekend, June 14-15!
The concept of Tolkien Day is pretty simple: if you like to know more about Tolkien we’ll be able to help you! And while you’re at the Tolkien Day (or Tag, as the Germans say) you will have the opportunity to use your bow and arrow, play board and video games, listen to entertaining talks by knowledgeable researchers, shop to your heart’s delight and meet with people who are just as passionate about and interested in the amazing world of Middle-earth as you!
Cosplay and re-enactment to your heart’s desire
This year’s Tolkien Day will see several groups converge on the tiny village of Pont, a suburb of Geldern in the Lower Rhine area in Germany. The Dutch Middle-earth re-enactment group Ennorandirrim will participate, Fellow-Ship and the Dunédain Germany will be there as well. If you are more into the dark side of things Zabîs-Udu will make all of your orc friends happy and yes, the Nazgûl themselves will make an appearance. And no, that’s not all. See the full guest list here.
Let’s talk Tolkien
Another important aspect of any Tolkien Day are the talks, lectures and discussion groups which will happen throughout the weekend. Knowledgeable Tolkienists like Frank Weinreich, Friedhelm Schneidewind, Christian Weichmann, Betty Finke, Sebastian Kleinen and yes, the Tolkienist himself (*hint, hint*) will provide you with food for thought and entertainment to boot. Honestly! We will! 🙂
Yes, there will be plenty of food 😉
If you come along with your friends and family you won’t be disappointed at what we have to offer. You may have already noticed the huge amount of mushrooms (and possibly taters!) we will be providing you with. Yes, there will be enough for all. This is a Tolkien Day after all and hobbits growing up need a lot of provender! And yes, it’s tassty, my preciouss!
Let the music play
Not only hobbits like to dance and sing, the other Free Peoples of Middle-earth have their own ways of spending a great evening. Verus Viator, Fafnir and Faelend are there to entertain you, talk to you, tell stories and sing with you. In all sorts of languages!
You won’t know where to start 🙂
This Tolkien Day is one of over fourty Days the German Tolkien Society has organised since its early days, throughout all of the country. It has started a cooperation with its sister society from the Netherlands bringing in many fans and performers from our neighbouring country. And this, the sixth installment of a Tolkien Day in the Lower Rhine area is expected to have up to 2,000 visitors. A Tolkien-centered event like this is pretty unique – it might even be the biggest such event ever – worldwide! And we’ll make it worth your while!
So if you want to chat with the Tolkienist, learn how to do mead, shoot a few arrows, write down your name calligraphy-style, listen to enlightening talks or simply have a pint over a few mushrooms and taters – I’ll be seeing you this Saturday and Sunday.
Visit the official website. Follow the organising team via Twitter. Or check out their Facebook event page.
Picture credits: All pictures by Christoph Ortmann. Used by kind permission.
1 Response
[…] Tag) this weekend, June 14-15, 2014. As reported on the German Tolkien Society’s site and on thetolkienist.com, Tolkien Day will offer a variety of activities, workshops, food, cosplay, and more, all focused on […]