Support the most beautiful bookshop in the world!

Only a few years ago the Dominican church in Maastricht was turned into a place any booklover in the world would need to visit. Award-winning architecture and a place steeped in history -first consecrated in 1294- made it into a temple of literature voted for by many as the most beautiful bookshop in the world.
Unfortunately, selling books via a brick-and-mortar shop has become rather difficult these days, particulary with a shop of that size (remember: church-size). The bookshop was run by selexyz which went belly-up about two years ago, only to bought by the company Polare which went -yes, you may have guessed it- belly-up at the beginning of this year. Even the BBC had something to say about this particular store to be in trouble. However, things are looking up right now as a new team has gathered to keep this place in business as a bookstore. One of their first steps is to become part of Libris, an umbrella network of independent bookstores in the Netherlands.
- Boekhandel Dominicanen, looking to the outside
- Gandalf says: You shall not pass without buying books!
- Coffelovers Café in the apsis
- A wall image restored in 2008 on Thomas of Aquinas, possibly from the 2nd half of the 14th century
- Boekhandel Dominicanen, Maastricht
In fact they successfully managed a crowdfunding venture to get it up and running again. So things aren’t looking as bleak anymore. However, they definitely need support in the next weeks and months to come so why not go there and buy a book or have a cup of coffee! If you happen to know anyone in the Netherlands, if you just want to give a shoutout via their Facebook page (a website is still being worked on) – any help is appreciated.
This place NEEDS to stay a bookstore. Gandalf says so, too!