Call for Papers: Overlooked Aspects of Middle-earth

The Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands has recently issued a call for papers for their upcoming publication of Lembas Extra. This magazine is “meant to publish longer articles on Tolkien and his works in their entirety”, giving room to authors to tackle subjects with much more room to spare than the average research journal can offer. The upcoming issue is a themed one and it will deal with “Overlooked Aspects of Middle-earth”.
Between November 2014 and Februari 2015, Dutch Tolkien Society Unquendor intends to publish the next issue of its scholarly journal, Lembas Extra. (…) This covers a wide range of possible subjects, from, for instance, ‘The Animal World of Middle-Earth’ or ‘Medical Aspects of Tolkien’s World’ via ‘Gollum as a junk’ to subjects like ‘The Economy of Laketown /Númenor /Gondolin’ (or whatever strikes your fancy), and ‘Middle-earth Games and Sports’. A subject (or approach) does not have to be unique per se, but for this issue, we definitely prefer the less trodden paths.
We hereby invite Tolkien scholars and students from all disciplines to send their proposals to the editor, Cecile van Zon, before May 17th, 2014. We are looking for papers written in English between approximately 5000 and 7500 words (including footnotes and/or a bibiography). We will let you know before the end of May if your proposal has been accepted. The deadline for the papers will be November 1st, 2014 (emphasis added).
The Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands:
Picture credits: Proceedings of the 6th Tolkien Genootschap Unquendor’s Lustrum, 2011, (c) Unquendor et al.