Tagged: Roving Ranger

The fortieth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the fortieth Roving Ranger newsletter. Nota bene: This week it is a very short newsletter but enjoy nonetheless! Events Another Tolkien Lecture has been delivered, this time...

The Thirty-Eighth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-eighth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events Bookings are now open with the J.R. Tolkien, one of two sailing ships now in the north of Germany as they cannot...

The Thirty-Seventh Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-seventh Roving Ranger newsletter. Events Last Saturday a lovely event came together via Twitter and organiser Laura Mabingi (Laura McNamee) using the hashtag #DrawSwordsTogether. A fun...

The Thirty-Sixth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-sixth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events MythCon 51 will be all online, news on this and next year’s MythCon. Essays & Scholarship John D. Rateliff tackles the...

The thirty-fifth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-fifth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events The Tolkien Lecture Series, based at Pembroke College, Oxford, has announced this year’s speaker (May 11): Guy Gavriel Kay. The fantasy...

The Thirty-Fourth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-fourth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events On a personal note: Tolkien Reading Day 2021 has come and gone and this year’s topic, hope & courage, certainly resonated...

The thirty-third Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-third Roving Ranger newsletter. Events Tolkien Reading Day is coming up on March 25th. As I will be participating in and/or organising three of these events...

The Thirty-Second Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-second Roving Ranger newsletter. Events #MiddleearthMarch and other similar events are happening right now, often on Instagram and Twitter, in preparation for the upcoming Tolkien Reading...

No Roving Ranger this week!

Folks, I am moving this week to Jena in Thuringia – from Berlin – so there will not be a Roving Ranger Newsletter today. The newsletter will resume on March 9th – keeping...

The Thirty-First Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirty-first Roving Ranger newsletter. Events Andrew Higgins has the Tolkien Sessions line-up for Leeds IMC 2021. The winners of the January 2021 Character Design Challenge have...

The Thirtieth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the thirtieth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events David Bratman has a look back at the last Tolkien Society Seminar. John D. Rateliff notes a few words on his...

The Twenty-Ninth Roving Ranger

Folks, a warm welcome to this, the twenty-ninth Roving Ranger newsletter. Events I would highly suggest to you to look up the International Tolkien Fellowship Facebook group for Tolkien-inspired events the world over....