Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments
Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments is an on-going series of top tier whining by me, myself, and I why the internet is a shit place to find relevant information, how curating a Tolkienian newsletter is...
Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments is an on-going series of top tier whining by me, myself, and I why the internet is a shit place to find relevant information, how curating a Tolkienian newsletter is...
I have visited Oxford dozens of times by and due to the fact that I cannot spend gazillions of euros on my choice of accomodation I have seen quite a few places that...
It has been ten years to the day that I started the Tolkien Travel Poster series and now I am returning to this with an amazing artist – Beverly Arce.
A charming Tolkien-related chestnut has been making its round again and it is time to give you a few details on Antidpressants or Tolkien.
I am again working through all of my blog posts here at as well as all the posts over at Steady. One of the many little details I noticed is that many...
At the time of writing you have the opportunity of not only getting a very good rye whisky but a piece of Tolkien’s favourite tree, the Pinus Nigra at the Oxford Botanical Garden...
Some of you may remember that I have written extensively on the fate of Tolkien’s favourite tree. And in 2020 I received confirmation on some of the things that were supposed to happen...
It truly blows my mind when I realised that there is, indeed, one football club mentioned in the Silmarillion and that I coincidentally moved to the very city which is the home to...
One of the things that I like so much about the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien is that he seems to be mentioning details in the texts as an apparently small matter, only hinted...
Some of you may know that I like nothing more than travelling to fellow Tolkienists’ events, meet-ups, get-togethers, you name it. One of my nicknames is The Travelling Tolkienist* and this year I...
On a cold March morning I left my apartment in beautiful Jena. It was six o’clock, way too early for my liking, and I had a few hours’ train ride ahead of me....
I would love to share a list of those things Tolkien fans might look forward to in 2023. Yes, this list includes a lot of different media so if you are the hardcore...