Author: Marcel R. Bülles

Steady backend detailing the BBBs so far

Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments

Boromir’s Bloggish Bebotherments is an on-going series of top tier whining by me, myself, and I why the internet is a shit place to find relevant information, how curating a Tolkienian newsletter is...

Antidepressants or Tolkien (c) Jesús Roldán

Antidepressant drug or Tolkien?

A charming Tolkien-related chestnut has been making its round again and it is time to give you a few details on Antidpressants or Tolkien.

Black Pine Whisky – soon available

Some of you may remember that I have written extensively on the fate of Tolkien’s favourite tree. And in 2020 I received confirmation on some of the things that were supposed to happen...