Posts published with Steady for the months of September 2024 – January 2025

All of the material published with will always be free for you to peruse as well as some of my work with my crowdfunding site over at Having said that, I will not cross-post the work I am doing here to the other place or the other way around. This will only happen if the occasion arises. However, I would love to let the readers here at my blog know that there is even more to read and experience with Steady.
A chronology of posts
All Roving Rangers #109, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #117, #118, #119, #120, #121, #122.
All Roving Ranger Extras. Did I ever expect Aston Villa, Bayern Munich and Tolkien to be named in the same sentence? [Oct 2] | Tolkienian storm names 2024-2025 [Dec 7] | The Tolkien Tapestries are coming to Paris [Dec 13]
All Fingolfin’s Findings. LXIII: Wulff & Morgenthaler run Uruk in Middle-earth [Oct 28] | LXIV: Eat at the ‘Hobbit’, live in ‘Rivendell’ [Nov 4] | LXV: The Hobbit storyboards (Rankin/Bass 1977) [Nov 19] | LXVI: Moorcock never really read LotR [Nov 28] | LXVII: LonCon 1957 – the first Tolkien cosplay? [Dec 12] | LXVIII: Dueling Hobbits Productions [Dec 26] | LXIX: Mock the Week [Jan 10]
All Welcomes. September | October | November | December | January
September 3. Quick photo dump of everyday Oxford.
September 13. 20 and 22 Northmoor Road are changing.
September 14. The latest on the Tolkien Trust.
September 23. The latest on the Tolkien Estate.
November 13. Tolkien’s Oxford: What is happening with the Lamb & Flag?
November 18. Tolkien References Project: Loudermilk.
Dec 10. “Shut up and take my money, Gandalf”: Lord of the Merchandise.
Jan 8. A change with the Tolkien Estate…
Jan 27. Thank you for two years at Steady.
Jan 30. Meet Tolkienists with Steady and other crowdfunding: Michael Taaffe.