The Tolkienist on the way to Greisinger Museum opening in Switzerland

Just wanted to tell you that I am off this monday, not only to celebrate my birthday but also to travel through the south of Germany, meeting friends, having a look at some interesting castles and of course, the grand opening of the Greisinger Museum, an absolutely unique place for all things Tolkien-related. So starting on Monday or rather Tuesday, I believe you’ll be seeing some notes, texts and pictures relating to J.R.R. Tolkien and Bernd Greisinger finally opening up a museum he has been working years to finish. I am very much looking forward to it.
The Middle-earth Network will be doing a live coverage and I am looking forward to seeing many other Tolkienists from all over the world. Meeting old friends and making new ones, the Middle-earth way. It is going to be legen… wait for it … dary.
Picture taken from museum website, (c) Wolfgang Greisinger, Jenins, Schweiz.