If you are interested in contacting Marcel Aubron-Bülles as an expert on J.R.R. Tolkien and modern fantasy literature please use any of the options provided below. Marcel Aubron-Bülles has started a social media campaign in 2012 to support his ventures in promoting interest in the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien and the world-wide Tolkien community including representations with Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Scoop.it and Empire Avenue and Klout. The sites given below are only a small part of this campaign.
Press Pictures
- (c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles. The Tolkienist.
- (c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles. The Tolkienist.
- (c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles. The Tolkienist.
Please use all pictures with the following credentials: “(c) Marcel Aubron-Bülles. The Tolkienist”. When you have used a picture please send a link to/ copy of publication to the adresses available.
Downloadlinks (more pics available): Portrait (head, black backgound), full-length body shot (with Lord of the Rings), Portrait (upper part of the body, beige background), knee-length body shot (with Lord of the Rings), half-length portrait (beige background).
In written form, on the phone and via email as seen in the legal notice.
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